Coulthard Barnes
Coulthard Barnes is the platform of the family office of the New Zealand-based entrepreneurs and investors Andrew Barnes and Charlotte Lockhart. They seek opportunities to promote New Zealand’s economic and social interests by investing in or supporting innovative businesses. Among their current ventures is the 4 Day Week Global Foundation.
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Our investments usually meet one of more of the following criteria:
• Originated and held in New Zealand
• Core services of fintech and/or legal
• Social impact and/or export potential
As a philanthropist and business leader, Andrew develops forward-thinking models of blending profit with social good: he conceived and implemented the four-day week at Perpetual Guardian, and is the chair of PaySauce, the payroll technology business that has created an employee draw-down service designed to eliminate ultra-high-interest payday lending that perpetuates the poverty cycle. A business advocate, Charlotte has a passion for seeing New Zealand companies and founders do well on the international stage. She works alongside other philanthropists and business leaders to help create an environment for excellence for all business stages, from start-up to scale-up and is on the advisory board for the CWEIC.